Home Accessories Heads Extra heads for YL Doll Extra heads for YL Doll Get the extra extra head to the realistic doll, and by simple exchange you can have a different doll. FULL DESCRIPTION Extra heads for YL Doll Manufacturer: YL Doll Product code: EXH-YL 25 points to the loyalty system Get the extra extra head to the realistic doll, and by simple exchange you can have a different doll. FULL DESCRIPTION Custom order Custom production up to 10 - 20 days. Delivery in 25 - 45 days. $ 389 Add to Cart Specify product selection Add to favourite products Add to compare list Question about product Discreet delivery Extra realistic sex dolls Authorized seller Complete the configuration YOU ARE NOT SELECTED You have selected YOU CAN BUY 25 points to the loyalty system CONFIGURATION OPTION Variant choose Description and parameters Articles7 FAQ Discussion Head (YL) #8 Viola #13 Linda #30 Jennifer #34 Shael #41 Yuki #44 Wendy #81 Vee - closed eyes #84 Heidi #97 Kasandra #115 Kylie #118 Leslie #129 Lori #163 Rachel #163 Maria #176 Imani #186 Jane #187 Aki #188 Rania #193 Allura #201 Elsa #220 Tala #221 Rei #76 Yukina #50 Betty #243 Sonya #254 Stephanie #271 Aisha #286 Bella Elf #298 Katrina #303 Vanessa #304 Gina #315 Delilah #332 Kelly #310 Maya #124 Cheyenne (+$ 55)#242 Virginie (+$ 55)#252 Laeticia (+$ 55)Tisha #311 (+$ 55) Show all configurations Wig (YL) Choose ...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Premium wig (YL) Choose ...No thanks 1 (+$ 39)2 (+$ 39)3 (+$ 39)4 (+$ 39)5 (+$ 39)6 (+$ 39)7 (+$ 39)8 (+$ 39) Show all configurations Eyes color (YL) Choose ...Blue Green Brown Gray Amber Garnet Silver cat Skin color (YL) Choose ...White Natural Pink Medium Tan Cocoa Black Accessories No thanks Hanging hook (+$ 25)TPE glue (+$ 30)Stain remover (+$ 30)TPE Glue + Stain Remover (+$ 55)Shower head (+$ 22)Removable penis (+$ 57) YOU ARE NOT SELECTED Complete the configuration YOU CAN BUY You have selected Custom order Custom production up to 10 - 20 days. Delivery in 25 - 45 days. $ 389 Add to Cart Specify product selection Choose a variant DESCRIPTION Description To the head of the realistic doll you will get a free wig at your choice. The figures in parentheses indicate the recommended body height in cm, ideally to match the head. To the head of the realistic doll you will get a free wig at your choice. The figures in parentheses indicate the recommended body height in cm, ideally to match the head. To the head of the realistic doll you will get a free wig at your choice. The figures in parentheses indicate the recommended body height in cm, ideally to match the head. Discreet delivery Extra realistic sex dolls Authorized seller Articles FAQ Send Share Tweet Pin It